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Saturday, January 17, 2009 @
Old chinese man meets new english man.
I have been inspired to write a series of short stories to make this blog a little more lively. These stories tend to be melodramatic and weird. Please bear with me. All characters mentioned in the following stories are fictional and any similarities with anyone is purely accidental and has no hidden meaning. Ah one more thing, some inspiration for the stories are needed so they mainly come from Xiangle. 

Tales of the Old Chinese Man Episode One: Old Chinese Man Meets New English Man.

Long long time ago, there lived an old man who happened to be a Chinese living in China. He was old and happened was called by the name Old Chinese Man. Apparently during his time, people still thought the earth was still a big fat square and that if they went to the edge of the earth, they would sure fall to their deaths. *Cue shocking sound effects

One day Old Chinese Man got into a box and little did he know that he was in fact inside a box heading towards London. *Cue dramatic music* Why did Old Chinese Man go inside the box? No one knows ... *shakes head* Soon after getting into the box or should I say a fit one old man barrel, he fell asleep.

Then before he knew it, Old Chinese Man awoken to the new world, the city of the English; London. Nobody knows how he got into the barrel and got onto a ship and got out of the ship and out of the barrel but he was out of the barrel and into the city of London. 

Old Chinese Man thought to himself: 终于我到了伦敦,我终于可以告诉那些英国人我的不能说的秘密
"Yes! I can finally tell the English my Cannot Say One Secret!"

So now we know Old Chinese Man's plans! He wants to tell the people of London his 'Cannot Say One Secret!" Now this all makes sense! He hid himself in a barrel to sneak on board a ship to take him to London where he can tell his 'Cannot Say One Secret!" It's so wonderful but I wonder what is his secret? ... 

Old Chinese Man then ran to the nearest English man that he could find and told him his secret.

Old Chinese Man: 我有一个秘密要告诉你…是一个不能说的秘密
I have a secret to tell you ... a 'Cannot Say One Secret'. 

New English Man: What is it? 

Old Chinese Man: 你不能告诉别人
You cannot tell anyone about this ...

New English Man: Ok ...

Old Chinese Man: 那不能说的秘密是…地球是圆的
The 'Cannot Say One Secret' is that ... the earth is ROUND!

New English Man: WHAT! NaNi?! *Goes into traumatic shock

Old Chinese Man: Sigh, you could'nt handle the truth. So dissapointing *shakes head*

With that, Old Chinese Man set forth to tell the whole of the land of the English about the 'Cannot Say One Secret


P.S. Apparently, the English Man could understand Chinese and the Old Chinese Man could understand English and stay tuned for the second episode!

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