Generation Hope
"Follow Me, Be Transformed"
entréesgeneration hopeleadersmembersphotosmémoires

Thursday, January 29, 2009 @
Polls are closing!
Yes the polls are closing! How long more? If you don't know, the poll I am refering to is the one which will determind our youth outing! Well the polls will remain open for a week + 1 day more! So hurry up get your votes done and get those people who have yet to vote to vote now!

Right now, cycling and going to the beach are in a tie for the lead so that's where our direction would most likely, at this time be heading!



Monday, January 19, 2009 @
Where do you want to go?
People what say you? What type of outing would you like? We are giving you the opportunity to voice your opinion. The poll located on the right sidebar is for you! 

You are able to select multiple choices as it is a possibility to join both types of activites but please have some self control and only vote once! PLEASE. We want a non biased result and we want to hear from everyone not just one person. So thank you in advance for voting once! 

So far I will keep this poll open until either when I see there is too few response or when we have a clear winner but I will give this poll at least a month's time. So vote!


Sunday, January 18, 2009 @
Contest! Woo Hoo ~
Contest what contest? Yes people this is our very first Tee Shirt Design Contest

Well what is this contest about? We are in search of our 2009 Youth Tee Shirt! So instead of wrecking our brains to get a decent design for our Youth Tee Shirt, we have decided to make you guys wreck your brains instead create this contest to get a better response! This would help us get a unique, and truly 'our' very own Youth Tee Shirt plus its going to be interesting! 

You guys would have to create a whole entire tee shirt design (every single design, meaning all the colour of the tee shirt logo luh, picture in front and picture behind). What would be smart (in my opinion) is that you guys could work as teams, and delegate tasks around. 

Here are the rules of the contest:
  1. Must have reference to our youth group name: Generation Hope for example a logo or just words
  2. No vulgar language (you guys should know this)
  3. No explicit images (and this too)
  4. There is no colour restriction
  5. Entrees must be a soft copy i.e. a jpeg, png, gif, etc. If your designs are originally in a hard copy please get it scanned into the computer. (can look for me)
  6. Teams can have a maximum of 2 members (NO EXCEPTIONS)
This contest starts today, 18 January 2009 and will end on the  18 April 2009 Noon. So you guys will have 3 months which I feel is enough time for you all! I will be very strict regarding the rules so if you guys do not abide by the rules, your entrees would be disqualified! Other than what I have stated, other ideas are generally accepted and I'm pretty ok with it, just run it by me. 

Additional info that could be useful is that our Youth Group's vision:

"Follow Me, be transformed"
Let me explain a little, basically it is Jesus calling each and everyone single one of you guys in Generation Hope to follow Him and be transformed from glory to glory in all aspects of your lives. 

So what are you waiting for!? GO! Wreck your brains and start designing the tee shirt! Oh yeah the thing about using you guys? I was just joking no offence!


Saturday, January 17, 2009 @
People! LoudFest 2009 coming to Singapore (Cornerstone). What is LoudFest you say? Well let Nub and Bub tell you more!

Nub: Hey you want to go learn about creative arts/ media, more about Christian celebrities through interview sessions and much much more? 

Bub: Err ... what are these much much more things?

Nub: Well LoudFest 2009 is coming to Singapore and the conference would have creative arts/ media workshops plus interviews with Christian celebrities also there are other workshops such as preaching 101, band dynamics, dance, photography and drama. So many right!

Bub: Ya lor so many leh but must I go for all? 

Nub: Well no. Chose one luh. 

Bub: Oh cool what are the details of the conference?

Nub: It would be held during th 19th -21st March 2009 at Cornerstone at The Odeon Katong, 11 East Coast Road #03-01/02 Singapore 428722. If you're interested you could look for my friend Abigail who has the sign-up list!  

Bub: Wow cool I'm quite interested! Oh ya how do you like remember all the details? 

Nub: Heh. I just all the info on this piece of paper. Lol. 

Ok so now you know the details. So if you're interested do sign up with Abigail!

Old chinese man meets new english man.
I have been inspired to write a series of short stories to make this blog a little more lively. These stories tend to be melodramatic and weird. Please bear with me. All characters mentioned in the following stories are fictional and any similarities with anyone is purely accidental and has no hidden meaning. Ah one more thing, some inspiration for the stories are needed so they mainly come from Xiangle. 

Tales of the Old Chinese Man Episode One: Old Chinese Man Meets New English Man.

Long long time ago, there lived an old man who happened to be a Chinese living in China. He was old and happened was called by the name Old Chinese Man. Apparently during his time, people still thought the earth was still a big fat square and that if they went to the edge of the earth, they would sure fall to their deaths. *Cue shocking sound effects

One day Old Chinese Man got into a box and little did he know that he was in fact inside a box heading towards London. *Cue dramatic music* Why did Old Chinese Man go inside the box? No one knows ... *shakes head* Soon after getting into the box or should I say a fit one old man barrel, he fell asleep.

Then before he knew it, Old Chinese Man awoken to the new world, the city of the English; London. Nobody knows how he got into the barrel and got onto a ship and got out of the ship and out of the barrel but he was out of the barrel and into the city of London. 

Old Chinese Man thought to himself: 终于我到了伦敦,我终于可以告诉那些英国人我的不能说的秘密
"Yes! I can finally tell the English my Cannot Say One Secret!"

So now we know Old Chinese Man's plans! He wants to tell the people of London his 'Cannot Say One Secret!" Now this all makes sense! He hid himself in a barrel to sneak on board a ship to take him to London where he can tell his 'Cannot Say One Secret!" It's so wonderful but I wonder what is his secret? ... 

Old Chinese Man then ran to the nearest English man that he could find and told him his secret.

Old Chinese Man: 我有一个秘密要告诉你…是一个不能说的秘密
I have a secret to tell you ... a 'Cannot Say One Secret'. 

New English Man: What is it? 

Old Chinese Man: 你不能告诉别人
You cannot tell anyone about this ...

New English Man: Ok ...

Old Chinese Man: 那不能说的秘密是…地球是圆的
The 'Cannot Say One Secret' is that ... the earth is ROUND!

New English Man: WHAT! NaNi?! *Goes into traumatic shock

Old Chinese Man: Sigh, you could'nt handle the truth. So dissapointing *shakes head*

With that, Old Chinese Man set forth to tell the whole of the land of the English about the 'Cannot Say One Secret


P.S. Apparently, the English Man could understand Chinese and the Old Chinese Man could understand English and stay tuned for the second episode!

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Friday, January 16, 2009 @
A Verse a Day
Update people! Now there is a Verse a Day on the site itself! If you have not noticed, it's located on the sidebar on the right. 

It's good to keep in touch with the word of life i.e. the Bible so I hope this applet would be very useful to you! 
You know the saying a apple a day keeps the doctor away? Well I have no idea what a verse a day does to you but I'm sure it's good! I'm sure God has something in stored for you and may even talk to you through this applet so have fun using it!

Erm. Just another reminder, read below! By that I mean read the post below! It's really very important! VERY


Thursday, January 15, 2009 @
We Need You!


You heard me, We Need You! Yes You! Well more like Daryl needs you! Well if you did not hear, we're acting out a skit for Sunday service! To be exact, on February 15. We would be putting up the winning skit of Soft Toys from youth camp.

According to Daryl, we are apparently still in the planning stages which is not good! So we need to get moving! ~I like to move it, move it ~You like to move it move it~ We like to ... move it!~

Ok back to business! We need actors/actresses, stage managers, prop managers, anything and everything! Daryl would be approaching you guys this Saturday and Sunday to help out in the various areas, so instead of he telling you what to do, tell him what you want to do!

So again here are the avaliable positions up for grabs:
  1. Actors/Actresses
  2. Stage Manager
  3. Prop Manager (Jiapei hint hint ^^)
  4. Up to Daryl's imagination!

Ok maybe you guys would need some explanation, regarding stage manager-ing and the manager-ing roles. For the stage manager role, most likely only ONE person will get the role and that goes for prop manager too. So you get what I'm trying to say? Lol.

The Stage Manager is one who would organise everybody during the day itself. He/She must be well versed in the script (which we would give you lots of chances to learn) and you get to command people around! Like tell them where to go and whatever not.

Prop Manager is simple. You would be in charge of getting the props ready before D-Day! BEFORE arh not after. You could get people to help you and stuff after all making one person make all the props isn't that fair.

Ok so looks like that would be it! Oh just a reminder, Daryl would be looking to involve EVERYONE so no point trying to escape, cause there is NO ESCAPE! Buahahaha! lol no luh we just want everyone to participate after all we are a youth group! Also some people may end up doing double roles so let's say you're good at acting don't go look for the stage manager role luh. Sign up as an actor! It's like if you're the toe of the body then you go say I want to be the nose. Sounds familiar? I think so too ...

Ok so that's pretty much it!

WE NEED YOU! desperately ...


Monday, January 5, 2009 @
Youth Camp 2008!
YAY! I got more photos from Pastor Peter on our youth camp! The pictures are up! hehe You can view the photos under the photos section. So now you can see me with my fish! hehehe. 

Ok luh I shall just give a preview of the newer pictures say cheese SARA! hahahah

This is what I call teamwork lol.

Remember this place?

No! Marcus don't fall in!

Yup so that's just a little preview of the other photos hehehe. 

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Saturday, January 3, 2009 @
Ok I shall make it official! Give a hand to SARAAAAAAAAAA-LAH! Woooooo~ She is now one of the blog's moderator along side with me! heh. She will be doing stuff like updating posts and notices and stuff. Then the more difficult stuff she leaves to me. Yup so again give her a hand! Heh. 

If anyone would like to extend your hand to help out with the blog, you are welcome! just notify me. Yup. See you guys around!

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Friday, January 2, 2009 @
a big HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you guys. so here's a little heads up for the youth meeting tomorrow.

youth meeting is at: shao kai and abigails's place, at 2.30 p.m.

and its gonna be the first youth meeting of the year 2009!!! so have EXTRA EXTRA fun tomorrow!
see all of you guys soon, and once again,

oh hello stranger
Hello stranger, do you like potatoes? If you have something against potatoes, go join the anti-potato-ians and hide in a corner.

Nah just joking, welcomes to our website!

Matt 5:13-14 We are called to be the salt and light of the world!
Be the odd one out, stand out from the crowd!

Ecc 12:1 Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth,
Realise your potential and let not your youth slip past you

God is knocking on your door,
will you open your heart to him?

verse of the day

Tee Shirt Design Contest
Vote for your favorite design!

If you want more info, click here!

Poll box
Cycling is over. What say you? Where do we go?

Shout, Sing or Write
Please write responsibly and abide by the rules

ShoutMix chat widget

links to youths
abigail | chaisy | chris 1 | chris 2 | daryl | eunice | joel | john | jiapei | keely | kelvin | marcus | sara | xiangle

potato music

.John is the designer.
Inspiration from .fourth!Romance.