Generation Hope
"Follow Me, Be Transformed"
entréesgeneration hopeleadersmembersphotosmémoires

Tuesday, December 30, 2008 @
Help needed!
Hey people, your help is much needed! To complete our blog, we need a personal profile of every single youth! So here is a 'form' that I need you guys to fill up so I can upload your profile up here!

Info I need:

Name, nickname (if you have one), birthday and a short write-up about yourself. Include interests, stuff that you usually do and or anything that you want to include! so people start cracking! and tell people about this blog! hahaha.

Just send me your profile through msn or something in MS Word format or Notepad also can. Oh by the way, I would be taking photos of you guys for the profile this coming Sunday or Saturday so dress properly!

Stay tuned hehehe.

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oh hello stranger
Hello stranger, do you like potatoes? If you have something against potatoes, go join the anti-potato-ians and hide in a corner.

Nah just joking, welcomes to our website!

Matt 5:13-14 We are called to be the salt and light of the world!
Be the odd one out, stand out from the crowd!

Ecc 12:1 Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth,
Realise your potential and let not your youth slip past you

God is knocking on your door,
will you open your heart to him?

verse of the day

Tee Shirt Design Contest
Vote for your favorite design!

If you want more info, click here!

Poll box
Cycling is over. What say you? Where do we go?

Shout, Sing or Write
Please write responsibly and abide by the rules

ShoutMix chat widget

links to youths
abigail | chaisy | chris 1 | chris 2 | daryl | eunice | joel | john | jiapei | keely | kelvin | marcus | sara | xiangle

potato music

.John is the designer.
Inspiration from .fourth!Romance.